Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Deudas, mal crédito, bancarrota y efectos migratorios

Deudas, mal crã ©dito, bancarrota y efectos migratorios Al iniciar un trmite migratorio como, por ejemplo, una peticiã ³n de recognizable o naturalizaciã ³n para obtener la ciudadanã ­a Yankee folklore es comã ºn preguntarse si las deudas pendientes, un mal crã ©dito o la bancarrotaâ pueden afectar negativamente a la solicitud. La razã ³n de esa preocupaciã ³n nace, por una parte, del requisito de tener una situaciã ³n econã ³mica saneada para solicitar ciertos beneficios migratorios, como por ejemplo la peticiã ³n de cã ³nyuge, hijos, hermanos o padres y, por otro, porque cierto tipo de deudas impide que salgan adelante peticiones migratorias.â Por su importancia, en este artã ­culo se explica en quã © casos yâ cã ³mo esas situaciones pueden afectar a los casos migratorios, destacando en preliminary lugar cuando child irrelevantes y, en segundo lugar, cuando sã ­ se tienen en cuenta a la hora de decidir si se aprueba o no una peticiã ³n migratoria. Adems, se seã ±alan quã © beneficios recibidos del gobierno se consideran carga pã ºblica y, por lo tanto, afectan negativamente y, por otro lado, cules se pueden recibir sin problemas porque no tienen consecuencias migratorias. Casos en los que las deudas y mal crã ©dito no tienen consecuencias migratorias Si se tiene una deuda por no pagar, por ejemplo, a la compa㠱ã ­a de telã ©fono, una deuda privada, la factura de un mã ©dico, and so on, no tiene generalmente efectos ni consulares ni migratorios negativas. Es decir, no afecta a lo que se resuelve con respecto a la peticiã ³n. Y ello es asã ­ porque se considera que child asuntos civiles. Lo mismo sucede con el mal crã ©dito. En el caso de peticiones para un recognizable de la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambiã ©n conocida comoâ green card,â lo que importa es que el solicitante tenga ingresos y/o patrimonioâ suficientes y demostrables para cubrir las obligaciones del affirmation of help, tambiã ©n conocido como declaraciã ³n de sostenimiento. Si tiene mal crã ©dito o deuda pendiente, es irrelevante. Casos en los que las malas finanzas sã ­ tienen efectos migratorios Cuando la deuda se convierte en un asunto corrective, como por ejemplo, en una estafa u otros semejantes entonces sã ­ que tiene efectos migratorios y puede ser causa para que nieguen visas, peticiones de residencia permanente o de ciudadanã ­a por naturalizaciã ³n. Tambiã ©n puede ser una causa para que se impida en el control de paso migratorioâ el ingreso an Estados Unidos de un extranjero. Si la deuda es con la Hacienda de Estados Unidos (IRS), tambiã ©n es un problema que feed que resolver bets de iniciar los trmites con inmigraciã ³n o los consulados. Si la deuda es mã ©dica y el importe de la factura lo pagã ³ Medicaid, tambiã ©n puede ser muy problemtico si se considera que fue un caso de carga pã ºblica. Por ejemplo, si una mujer extranjera tiene an un bebã © en Estados Unidos y no paga por el parto y luego se regresa a su paã ­s, tanto esa mam como el pap el bebã © pueden perder la visa de turista. Con el agravante de que no feed forma de salirse de este problema en concreto. Si se trata de una deuda por no pagar pensiã ³n alimenticia (youngster support), segã ºn las circunstancias del caso puede tener como consecuencia que no se pueden obtener visas americanas, ni la residencia permanente y la ciudadanã ­a por naturalizaciã ³n. Y, en casos extremos, puede dar lugar incluso a la deportaciã ³n. Incluso, dependiendo del monto de la deuda, los ciudadanos americanos pueden encontrase con que no pueden sacar el pasaporte y, por lo tanto, no pueden viajar internacionalmente. Destacar que el kid support puede ser solicitado no sã ³lo para niã ±os que viven en Estados Unidos sino tambiã ©n en el caso de residir en otros paã ­ses cuando tienen an al menos el padre o la madre viviendo en Estados Unidos. En estos casos, tener en cuenta queâ la Embajada Yankee folklore en el paã ­s de residencia del menor no puede ayudar en estos casos. La razã ³n es que este es un tema de los estados,â no del gobierno government. Algunos paã ­ses, como Mà ©xico, tienen firmados acuerdos de reclamo de pensiã ³n alimenticia con varios estados. En los casos en los que no feed stories acuerdos y se desea exigir el pago de dicha pensiã ³n, contactar con la agencia deâ child supportâ del estado en el que vive el pap o la mam. O contratar an unâ abogado en dicho estado. Adems, tener en cuenta que el tener un pap que es estadounidenseâ no da automticamente derecho an adquirir la ciudadanã ­a americanaâ cuando se nace fuera de los Estados Unidos. Ademsâ que en el caso de reclamar pensiones de alimentos en el caso de niã ±os nacidos fuera de matrimonio primero es necesarioâ establecer legalmente la filiaciã ³n. Quã © beneficios child considerados como una carga pã ºblica Uno de los requisitos legales para ser admisible a los Estados Unidos es no ser considerado una carga pã ºblica. Y es que por esta causa se pueden negar un amplio abanico de peticiones o concerns migratorias como, por ejemplo, unaâ visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante o el ajuste de Estatus o para adquirir la ciudadanã ­a por naturalizaciã ³n. Se considera que es una carga pã ºblica haber recibido del gobierno beneficios monetarios como, por ejemplo, el Suplemento de Ingresos de Seguridad (SSI, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), o Asistencia Temporal a Familias en Necesidad (TANF, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). Destacar que estos beneficios pueden recibir otros nombres dependiendo del estado. Por ejemplo,â en California al programa TANF se le conoce como CalWorks. Finalmente, tener en cuenta que la regla general sobre los efectos migratorios de recibir beneficios considerados como carga pã ºblica tiene importantes excepciones. Por ejemplo, asilados y refugiados pueden recibir TANF y SSI sin problemas. Quã © beneficios no se consideran carga pã ºblica Se puede recibir del gobierno sin problemas WIC para infantes y embarazadas, cupones o estampillas de alimentos, que en California reciben el nombre de Calfresh. Asimismo, se puede aceptar ayuda a la vivienda o para guarderã ­as, Headstar o Medicaid para menores. En otras palabras, recibir este tipo deâ beneficios no perjudica a peticiones o concerns migratorias que se realicen despuã ©s. Quã © hacer si se tiene una deuda con posibles consecuencias migratorias Si se tienen dudas sobre si una deuda puede afectar negativamente an una peticiã ³n migratoria, risks de presentarla es recomendable contactar con un abogado de buena reputaciã ³n o con una organizaciã ³n de apoyo lawful a migrantes para determinar si realmente tiene impacto migratorio y, en caso afirmativo, decidir quã © pasos tomar.â Generalmente en estos casos, lo ms recomendable es contactar con la agencia encargada del cobro de la deuda (assortment agencyâ en inglã ©s) e intentar llegar an un acuerdo sobre la cantidad a pagar y los plazos para hacerlo. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


THE POLITICAL EVENTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES THAT INFLUENCED GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ IN THE LEAF STORM - Essay Example Colombia is a South American nation that is affected firmly by Spanish standard and is the site of a few global exchange for nations like USA, France and Britain for more than four centuries now(Henderson 2). Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian essayist who has composed books that mirror the financial and social real factors of his coutry. This paper looks at the book, Leaf Storm which presents the clear realities about a fanciful town, Macondo situated in Colombia. It takes a gander at the political occasions and factors that went about as establishment for Marquez to compose the book and its suggestions in relations to that time of Colombian history. Leaf Storm is a story about the musings and perspectives on three ages of a family; a granddad (Colonel), a little girl and a grandson. Every one of them offer their perspectives and thoughts about a contention including the Colonel’s family and the individuals of Macondo who have an extraordinary contempt for a dead man who was the visitor of the house for a long time. The expired, who happened o be a specialist, was seen by the townsfolk as pitiless in light of the fact that he would not treat individuals from the town who were injured in the country’s common war however he was able to. The individuals of Macondo in this way felt the expired didn't merit a typical Christian entombment. Then again, the Colonel had made a promise to the perished to play out his entombment, since he had no known relatives. To pay tribute to his guarantee, the colonel looked to get the dead specialist a typical entombment and as individuals from his family, his little girl and grandson ne eded to help him in their contention against the individuals of Macondo. The book in this way gives records of the occasions from three viewpoints; a more established man, a youngster and a blameless kid. Every one of these portrayals demonstrate solid connects to Colombia’s political and social history. The portrayal gives off an impression of being set in 1909 (Marquez 2), a period connected with the various changes that happened in Colombia’s history including the Thousand Day War (1899 †1902) and the foundation of various banana estates including the United Fruit Company, which turned into a typical substance in the vast majority of Latin America in that point ever. These two occasions accompanied such a large number of complexities and endeavor that decided the governmental issues of the time. Pelayo(28) distinguishes three significant occasions throughout the entire existence of Colombia that are characterized quietly through the works of Leaf Storm. They in clude: 1. The appearance of the Banana Company 2. The individuals that the Banana Company pulled in (the leaf storm) 3. The finish of the Colombian Civil War The Thousand Day War Prior to 1909, the year the portrayal was set, there was a war in Colombia somewhere in the range of 1899 and 1902 known as the Thousand Day War. It included the individuals from the two significant political conventions of the nation: the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. The nonconformists blamed the traditionalists for holding power through political race misrepresentation and this prompted the initiation of a war that saw monstrous pulverization of properties and human lives the nation over (Henderson 54). This war was additionally powered by monetary emergencies brought about by the falling espresso costs on the worldwide market. This pattern demonstrated the requirement for the expansion of the country’s economy by planting different yields like bananas to help Colombia and forestall ov erdependence on espresso sends out. Despite the fact that Marquez doesn't allude to the Thousand Day War straightforwardly in the book, it very well may be gathered legitimately that the 10 or so men who were injured and requested treatment from the perished specialist were engaged with that war. Likewise, they have all the earmarks of being battling on the revolutionaries and the dead specialist appeared to safeguard his trustworthiness by going without the treatment of renegades. This unmistakably shows the degree individuals went to take and secure their situations in the Thousand Day War. This shows there were a few elites and traditionalists who adhered to the decision government when the war won. This additionally shows the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Introduction To MIT World

Introduction To MIT World My first blog entry! Let me begin by introducing you to MIT World, a free and open on-demand video streaming web site that features public lectures at MIT. MIT World has been in operation since 2001 and today has a collection of almost 400 videos in its online collection (you can also find it on the MIT home page under Education â€" click on video). This primary source of unmediated content reflects a wide range of ideas that are discussed every day at MIT. Inside you will find more than 20 Nobel Laureates, leaders of many companies who have changed our world, who tell their first hand accounts of start up days (Amazon, Akamai), or amazing histories of longer established companies that have led innovation (UPS, Xerox, HP), as well as a vast assortment of engineers, technologists, innovators, poets, peacemakers, and scientists and even a physicist who is a poet â€" Frank Wilczek. With a collection of almost 400 videos, its a little daunting to pick one to be the first one to reflect on in this new forum. So, I thought it best to start with a modern day adventure story about a company that has changed the world, told by one of the founders of the company. Check out The Akamai Story: From Theory to Practice by Tom Leighton. Akamais founders entered the MIT $50k competition (and lost) and today the company delivers tens of billions of daily web interactions on the web, (including MIT Worlds videos and MIT OpenCourseWares courses) on 20,000 servers in 71 countries. Leighton, who is co-founder and Chief Scientist at Akamai and a Professor of Applied Mathematics at MIT, tells it all the $50k competition, the business plans, the start up, the bubble, the personal tragedy of September 11th and the loss of co-founder Danny Lewin, the bubble bursting, and recovery. Akamai means clever and cool in Hawaiian â€" another thing they got right.

Introduction To MIT World

Introduction To MIT World My first blog entry! Let me begin by introducing you to MIT World, a free and open on-demand video streaming web site that features public lectures at MIT. MIT World has been in operation since 2001 and today has a collection of almost 400 videos in its online collection (you can also find it on the MIT home page under Education â€" click on video). This primary source of unmediated content reflects a wide range of ideas that are discussed every day at MIT. Inside you will find more than 20 Nobel Laureates, leaders of many companies who have changed our world, who tell their first hand accounts of start up days (Amazon, Akamai), or amazing histories of longer established companies that have led innovation (UPS, Xerox, HP), as well as a vast assortment of engineers, technologists, innovators, poets, peacemakers, and scientists and even a physicist who is a poet â€" Frank Wilczek. With a collection of almost 400 videos, its a little daunting to pick one to be the first one to reflect on in this new forum. So, I thought it best to start with a modern day adventure story about a company that has changed the world, told by one of the founders of the company. Check out The Akamai Story: From Theory to Practice by Tom Leighton. Akamais founders entered the MIT $50k competition (and lost) and today the company delivers tens of billions of daily web interactions on the web, (including MIT Worlds videos and MIT OpenCourseWares courses) on 20,000 servers in 71 countries. Leighton, who is co-founder and Chief Scientist at Akamai and a Professor of Applied Mathematics at MIT, tells it all the $50k competition, the business plans, the start up, the bubble, the personal tragedy of September 11th and the loss of co-founder Danny Lewin, the bubble bursting, and recovery. Akamai means clever and cool in Hawaiian â€" another thing they got right.